Continue playing as in Step 2, from the fourth move. By mirroring the first three moves of Step 3, this solution will also work from a beginning empty position at holes 3, 7, 10, 12 and Remove the peg from hole 4. Jump from 13 to 4, from 10 to 8 and from 15 to Rotate the board to the left, so that hole 15 is now hole 1. Note the diamond shape of empty holes and continue from the fourth move in Step 2. With mirroring of the first three moves, this solution will also work for vacant positions at holes 6 and Start at the midpoint of an edge for another possible solution.
Remove the third peg from any one side, so that there are two pegs on either side of a vacant hole. Align the board so this vacant hole is on the bottom of the triangle, and is, specifically, hole Jump from 11 to 13, from 14 to 12, from 4 to 13, from 1 to 4, from 12 to 14, from 6 to 13, from 15 to 6, from 7 to 2, from 2 to 9, from 3 to 10, from 10 to 8, from 14 to 12 and from 12 to 5.
Add variety to the Step 2 solution by again leaving the tip of the triangle empty. Jump the pegs from 4 to 1, from 6 to 4, from 15 to 6, from 3 to 10, from 13 to 6, from 11 to 13, from 14 to 12, from 12 to 5, from 10 to 3, from 7 to 2, from 1 to 4, from 4 to 6 and from 6 to 1. You will be left with one peg in hole 1, which was vacant at the beginning of the game. Cookie Settings. Learn why people trust wikiHow. Download Article Explore this Article parts. Tips and Warnings.
Related Articles. Article Summary. Part 1. Learn the rules. Like checkers, the point of the game is to jump pegs and remove them from the game.
The rules are simple: [1] X Research source To jump a peg, it must have an empty space next to it. You can use any peg as a jumper, as long as the peg you jump is directly adjacent to it and has an open space next to it. Every peg you jump must be removed.
You win when there is only one peg left. Understand the board. Each space on the board has a number from 1 to The top point of the triangle is position 1, and the bottom right is position Learn the theory behind the puzzle. This isn't all necessary to win the game, but there are some highlights to keep in mind that will help you solve the puzzle.
That means that after just two bad moves, the puzzle becomes impossible to solve. Make your moves count! Plan your moves carefully. All those solutions, however, are just modifications of two main solution patterns. Part 2. Begin the game.
Start with position 1 empty. This would be the top point of the triangle. There are other methods of solving the puzzle, but this one is the most common and easiest. Make the diamond shape. This basic pattern can be repeated throughout the board, helping you win the game. It will then be in position 1. Use the peg in position 6 to jump position 5. It will now be in position 4. Use the peg in position 1 to jump position 3. It will now be in position 6. These moves will give you the diamond base.
Make two groups of pegs. As you'll see, the next set of moves will divide the pegs into two groups, one on each side of the triangle.
Move the peg in position 7 to position 2, jumping position 4. Move peg 13 to position 4. Next, move peg 10 to position 8. You should now have two groups of pegs, with 5 pegs on the left side and 3 on the right. Separate the triangle in two. This next set of steps will make a curved line across the triangle, dividing it into two parts. Move peg 2 to position 7.
Then take that same peg and move it to position 9. Next, move peg 15 to position Move your last pegs to the bottom row. These moves will leave you with three final pegs, all in the bottom row. Move peg 12 into position Next move peg 6 to position You should now just have three pegs left in the bottom row. Complete the last moves.
Move peg 14 to position Then make the last move, peg 11 to position Win the game. Sorry to be the one to have to tell you this, but your hope of finding a solution "leaving one peg in all three corners" is impossible. Great, right? All the pegs are in it, so do I just pull a peg and put it aside, so there will be a place to serve as a jumping area, or something else? I loved playing this game so much as a kid I decided to make a 75 level mobile game based on it.
Reply 6 years ago on Introduction. I only did it with one left once in my life before, but thanks to you, now I can memorize it! Also, see if you can leave 10 pegs instead of one. I start with the middle peg of the bottom edge empty where you started the blue peg. If I have one odd-colored peg, I put it in the top corner. Then I can announce to the amazed onlookers that not only can I leave just one peg at the end, but it will be the odd colored one, and it will be in the hole that was empty to begin with.
By Derpancakes Follow.