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Community Video Internet Archive. FORUM 5, Part Of Part Of. Media Type Media Type. Year Year. Collection Collection. Creator Creator. Language Language. Cherry blossoms were delayed in Washington, D. Enjoy scenery along the New River in West Virginia. This video was used in an Episode of Ramping Up your English. Visit LetzCreate. Rail switching action begins this video of the Cardinal train heading West toward Chicago.

This part ends our westbound trip on Amtrak's Cardinal. We feature more train videos on Ramping Up your English. Native language is the building blocks of English Acquisition, so no English learner should feel they need to abandon their first language. The same goes for one's culture. There's room in the human brain for more than one language, and room in the human heart for more than one culture. This video featured students who have learned to celebrate both Mexican and United States culture.

It's a beautiful thing! This video was featured in an episode of Ramping Up your English. Visit LetzCreat. The person or persons who have associated work with this document the "Dedicator" or "Certifier" hereby either a certifies that the work of authorship identified is in the public domain of the country from which the work is published, or b hereby dedicates whatever copyright the dedicators holds in the work of authorship identified below the "Work" to the public domain.

A certifier, moreover, dedicates any copyright interest he may have in the associated Topic: civil rights. Hasta Nunca Juan Carlos! Nuestro Homenaje A Manuel Galiana. Grabado En Tiempos De Csijuan. Grabado En Programas De Csijuan. Otra entrega que nos dejo nuestro gran amigo Manuel Galiana. Proyecto Scratch. We see lots of natural beauty including beaver dams and ponds. This video was used during the unit on Trains and Railroads. This is the third in a series of 5 videos on the Eastbound Sunset Limited.

Our afternoon views are mostly of farms before darkness falls. We roll along the Virginia Countryside on Amtrak's Cardinal train. We're near our destination of Washington, D. This video supports an episode of Ramping Up your English. Capital, Lincoln Memorial, Native American English Language Learner Jorge shares his process of learning English as his second language.

The strong support of his family helped him flourish in Content-based ESL class. The building of the Transcontinental Railroad is the main topic of this look back in time at Railroads in the United States. The video includes clips of steam power and historical photos. The Railroad Museum in Sacramento, California is legendary for it's impressive hands-on displays. Here's a quick look at the museum - including the building of the Transcontinental Railroad.

There's equipment here that was used by the Central Pacific in building east from Sacramento. It's daylight in Arizona as we start the first full day aboard Amtrak's Setset Limited. We're going East from Los Angeles, the same direction in. It's called the Sunset Route.

Enjoy the ride! The train goes on to New Orleans without us. This is the direction in which America's 2nd transcontinental railroad was built - West to East by Southern Pacific.

These videos are produced for various episodes in the Trains and Railroads unit. The romance of the rails goes way back to Southern Pacific's Sunset Limited. The first 32 are the Trains and Railroads Unit. Amtrak's Sunset Limited stops at El Paso fr a crew change and servicing. At times, communities in Mexico can be seen from the train as we continue West toward Los Angeles. A short summary of this paper. Palavras-chave : Rap; Freestyle; Performance; Improviso.

The general guidance for the article is to understand this performance as a literary fact in its four levels: context, author, text and reader.

Keywords: Rap; Freestyle; Performance; Improvisation. O Vencedor leva Todo o Dinheiro Organizacao : Afrika Kidz Crew!!! Em todo caso, os relatos entusiasmados das testemunhas com quem conversei chegam a estimar mais de trezentas. Mas nos idos de fevereiro de , Emicida era um "ilustre desconhecido" e, contra Cabal, parecia encarnar o que no boxe chamam de "desafiante".

Note-se ainda a longa pausa entre o primeiro tempo do primeiro compasso e a palavra "quando", que aparece apenas no final do segundo tempo. A plateia ri, faz barulho, se agita. Ao mesmo tempo, procurei ser muito enxuto e apenas incluir palavras como "barulho" ou "risos". Cabal pediu: "Um a zero pra mim, na moral".

Andrei PR, outro dos organizadores, disse: " Os dois rimou bem, mano. Nesse final de round, o flow de Cabal tornou-se mais agressivo. No entanto, quem venceu foi Cabal. Mobilizando diversos marcadores de classe de maneira a deslegitimar o outro enquanto se afirma como "de verdade", Emicida venceu o round. No final da batalha, Cabal e sua crew exigiam que um quarto round fosse realizado. Comes Around - Radio Edit.

Radio Edit. Belle Humble. Sandro Cavazza. Probz - Space For Two. Zara Larsson. Selena Gomez. French Montana. Cine - Garota Radical. Felipe Dylon - Deixa Disso. Kelly Key - Baba. Wanessa - Amor, Amor. D Black, Negra Li - 1 Minuto.

Kelly Key - Cachorrinho. As Meninas - Xibom Bombom.


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