Estetica basmului download

Cristina Ursu is currently reading it Oct 10,. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are as essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website.

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Calinescu Basmul este o opera de creatie literara,cu o geneza speciala,o oglindire a vietii in moduri fabuloase,prin urmare supunerea lui la analiza critica este nu numai posibila ci si obligatorie,din ea decurgand atat adevaruri estetice cat si informatii de orrdin structural folcloric. Principal,geneza basmului e urmatoarea:Un subiect A spune unui subiect B dintr-o carte sau din auzite, nu trebuie exclusa nici inventia personala ,o istorisire.

B o transmite mai departe,nu chiar intocmai,adesea punand de la sine si nu o data ,ci de fiecare data altceva,cand povesteste. C o transmite lui D si asa mai departe. Se vorbeste mult cand vine vorba de basm despre fenomenul de contaminatie,intelegandu-se prin asta influentarea unui basm de catre altul si mai ales contopirea mai multor fragmente de basme sau motive intr-unul nou.

Dupa un examen destul de vast insa se poate afirma ca lucrurile nu stau chiar asa. Naratorul nu e contaminat inconstient,ci aplica esteticeste procedeul cel mai usor pentru a traduce in materie fabuloasa o idee morala. Este cu neputinta sa inventeze pe loc intriga,atunci recurge la situatii sablon,la momente prefabricate. Astfel,in basme,inventia,cata este,tine de detaliu. De remarcat mai este ceea ce am numi in basm o amnezie.

Naratorul uita in aceste conditii sa dea anumite amanunte. Basmul este un gen vast,depasind cu mult romanul,fiind mitologie,etica,stiinta,observatie morala,etc. Caracteristica lui este ca eroii nu sunt numai oameni ci si anume fiinte himerice,animale. Si fabulele vorbesc de animale,dar acestea sunt simple masti pt diferite tipuri de indivizi. Fiintele neomenesti din basm au psihologia si sociologia lor misterioasa. Ele comunica cu omul,dar nu sunt oameni. Cand acesti eroi himerici lipsesc dintr-o naratiune,nu avem de-a face cu un basm.

Zmeul este individul dotat cu o mare putere de intimidare,gladiatorul,tiranul,incurcat in fata geniului si a oricarei operatii intelectuale. BALAURUL: -adesea confundat cu sarpele,desi statura lor e colosala; -balaurul tine de registru hydric; -simbolizeaza probabil patura acvatica si rabufneala vulcanica si infernala a subsolului; -el este prin definitie distrugator si rau,spre deosebire de zmeu si de sarpe,totdeauna ostil omului.

ZANE: Zmeii,zmeoaicele si celelalte figuri mai mult sau mai putin teratologice apartin lumii muritorilor,avand familie si procreind. IELE: Ielele sunt fiinte raufacatoare,fiind foarte des indicate drept cauza unor rele. Some features of WorldCat will not be available. You already recently rated this item.

He continued presiding over numerous academic and radio conferences and writing thousands of critical reviews until his death in However, formatting rules can vary widely between applications and fields of interest or study.

Daniela Sorina Mailat marked it as to-read Jun 11, Alina Holom added it Mar 12, Maria Minodora added it Jun 28, Life is transitory, but man esteticca defeat death and oblivion through creation, thus leaving a permanent record of a temporary existence.

Your rating has been recorded. PaperbackStudii de folclorpages. Academician, literary critic, aesthetician, university professor, essayist, literary historian. Roxana rated it it was amazing Jul 11, Citations are based on reference standards. Irina Breana rated it liked it Aug 21, Cristina added badmului Jun 02, Radu rated it it was amazing Jul 21, He is esteticx considered one of the most important Romanian literary critics of all time, alongside Titu Maiorescu and Eugen Lovinescuand is one of the outstanding figures of Romanian literature in the 20th century.

Please select Ok if you would like to proceed with this request anyway. Alexandra Popescu marked it as to-read Sep 10, To esyetica other readers questions about Estetica basmuluiplease sign up. Please create a new list with a new name; move some items to a new or gekrge list; or delete some items.

Daniela Grigorescu marked it as to-read Dec 01, Finding out that the housekeeper that he used to humiliate was his real mother caused him a psychological trauma.

Trivia About Estetica basmului. Hristina rated it liked it Jan 24, Ema Luncian rated it really liked it Feb 17, Alina rated it it was amazing Jan 21, Andreea rated it really liked it Sep 20, Roxana rated it it was amazing Jul 11, Dan Gabriel Ontelus rated it it was amazing Jan 16, Andreea Vlassa rated it it was amazing Oct 22, Jul is currently reading it May 19, Andra marked it as to-read Aug 06, Skylerj marked it as to-read Sep 18, Anatol Cerbari marked it as to-read Apr 30, Valerian Calin marked it as to-read Feb 08, Lucia Pirlogea marked it as to-read Sep 16, Fabiana Maria marked it as to-read Nov 03, Daniela Grigorescu marked it as to-read Dec 01, Dela Iovan marked it as to-read Jan 08, Teodora Lovin added it Mar 12, Alina Holom added it Mar 12, Florin marked it as to-read Apr 09, Mihaela Lefter marked it as to-read May 28,


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